Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ok, We were just talking today and it made me think as in seriously-WTH happened?
As seen from the pics, the zoo and the valentine's day celebration was the last largest gathering we had.

Anyway, we were just talking and then there was this part whereby both my mynah's pointed at me....At that point, I understood but after that, I pondered-is it really my fault? I know that has been the suckiest point in poly prior to TEP.....

But seriously, the whole IPP period was damned la-the whole day going off in a flash and having no life...and the worst part came whereby frens drifted away... I guess it was scary because school was gonna start soon adn I had the fear as to how it all was going to be-I still rmb I tried having a convo with Rac and the reply received was deserving yet painful at the same time......

But like what she said, the end result of the whole thing was great-I got to know who are the ones who actually stood by me and will continue to do so....only a handful of them....

Thinking about all these things, I really wonder when and how the whole thing is going to be at the end of it-I really hope it wud be good!

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