Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Am so tired, in pain and am damn exhausted. Projects are starting to get the better of me=am becoming so damn moody. Haiz, it has started with CAA, ongoing to HRM, PFP, IFT, QM and IB!!! Haiz, really tiring. Both mentally and physically draining but the worst thign is about us getting short at each other-I think this is why we should learn to keep personal and business life separate. So, I am hereby apologising in advance for the hurt that I may cause to any of you through this period thru my behaviour, words or actions. I know that in my anger, I would definitely be saying things which I would regret later on and moreover, words are things that once out can never be taken Back!! So-SORRY GUYS!!! I really value my relationships so I don't think I would find it fitting to lose any of you during this hideous course of projects-please forgive me for any thing that you find offending from me!!

Moreover, exam timetable are coming out in the midst of all these!!!! -Can I have this job???

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