Friday, January 25, 2008

Such A Day.........

Though it was said to be expected, I guess reality doesn't sink in until it really happens. I didn't tot that applying for this would mean breaking up with class-I tot it was going to be like elective module style.........AAAAAArrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh-F**k them!-I just don't see the logic-Why can't they just leave us in our own sweet classes and we attend different classes in the same form as elective modules-Do they have to be such bas***ds who are just out to destroy things which are just getting better?

What Do I Say? What Do I Do? I Am So LOST!

Fara's CreationThe Best Gift for a BirthdayAll the DEARIESWif Ophelie....a very sweet dearGreat Moments-Hilarious+Full of Vulgarities....etc.Now, I am just hoping to have moments like this..........
[God knows if it wud happen and I pray it wud]
[I really don't know how I am going to be w/o you......]-I really Luv u lots!

In the end, I don't know what to say................tears just keep rolling down and no matter what...there is just numbness surrounding me. I was already nervous about the attachment and then, excitement about the news turns to horror.........After that, it just feels weird talking to you....because apart from tears, nothing is coming out. I can't imagine spending a day in Poly without my First and Greatest friend....I was such an idiot during TEP-Wad am I gonna become now...........?

~In the end, I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE!~


Anonymous said...

Pooja am gona miss u alot dear...i cant take the pain of leaving.Nw i noe why God was so nice to us gvin us so many opportunities to get closer n hav fun in d 2nd yr.N whn we r gettin closer, we hav to part.Babe hang in dere we r still in d same sch but nt d same class, don worry love our bond will b the same,i will always love.

PoOjA said...

I am gonna miss you lots too babes.....that's the thing, just when we were getting to know each other more better and becoming more nicer, the idiots had to do this to think, we were planning so many things for Year 3..........oh man, it's just so weird. We were just laughin and joking around and within 6 hours, a bomb just drops on us..........OMG! Love u too.....