Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Selfishness + B*****Ds

The whole world is truly-SELFISH.....except the exception of some people..........seriously, what's with this thing that we do things with the whole perspective of only gaining something for ourselves-Can u all not be such SELFISH BASTARDS?

Unfortunately for me, I know such people and though I may not like it, I have to accept it cause they are a part of my life.....seriously, these kind of people are not only shameless but also bloody hell thick skin....Seriously, if you need help, you should ask nicely. If someone lends you something of theirs, you should return it in the same manner not make a mess and give them to sort on their own....not do you say things such as-'Are you sure you have the right answers?'-That is truly being a pain in the a**. I mean you need help and you say to them in that manner, would the person still be interested in helping you?-Maybe, in your dreams or if the person is truly stupid! Worse thing is to talk to the person only in your times of need or to try and butter the person.....I like the way Az responded-Shut up la you F**Ker[You go Girl!]......The whole summary-if you know that you have to approach someone for help, might as well just shut up and do what they do right?-PAY ATTENTION in class and TAKE YOUR OWN NOTES!!!

Seriously speaking, I am not a brave person-I don't know how to say 'NO'.....I just can't say it. From young, though I have always wanted to, I have never been able to....and this is what is still happening to me..maybe, this is why sometimes I am just shear stupid...haiz!

To Rabbit[Reka]: You are the greatest Person I have ever known. No matter what is told to you or whatever happens around you, you always look at the positive side!No matter how someone behaves or is with you, you always look at their inner soul...... I truly salute you for the way you are and infact, I aspire to be truly like how you are....[please do guide me]

Something which I got from the net:-Selfishness is good. I don't mean complete selfishness - that would be a crime. But practise moderation in being selfish is actually beneficial for one's mental health. How many times have you believed yourself to be a giver? Everyone says they give, while seldom people admit that they are takers. When a relationship fails, all you think is how much you've given to *that* person and shouldn't have wasted your time in the first place. And that led to your depression, your PMS, your sadness etc because you can't stop hating the person who has cheated/disappointed you. In short, yes, you feel shortchanged.

Nobody asked you to give *that* much in the first place. I am sure you did it out of your own free will.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear Pooja baby well said abt the selfish world...How to run away whn the person needs help?No matter hw bad the person juz help if not juz say sorry,reason out n leave.As for relationships its true dear give n shower love 2 d other party on ur free will coz whn d person lves u tend to measure the love u hav gvn him.First of all hw 2 measure LOVE, Aiyo ppl to aviod disappoints b good to ppl on ur free will, In life ppl walk in n out only few will stay, so be who u r n not do or gv sth for in return.:)