Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night

Halloween night was so was tiring and all but the whole thing was very FUN!!!! The starting off was ok...the best was the fashion show whereby we had to dress one of our team mates with newspapers and tissues....Our model was WILLIAM-Poos guy just walked in and was chosen as a punishment for being late......
The other models were Hafiz, Marjuk along with our very own BARAKATHUNNISA...the funniest part was when the mummies were feeding each other..with their hands stretched and the whole scene was funny!!!

After that was the games time-Quite fun. My teammates were Poonam, William and Thiam Wei-the whole games thing was fun with quite a number of eventful incidents. At the egg station, Poonam's hair was called "bushy" and the ohter funny thing at that station was that when Poonam was passing TW the egg, using the neck method, TW was shouting-I got It! I got It! and it turns out that the egg had already dropped on the floor....William and I were totally laughing it Out....It was totally funny and then, we ended with style with the guy {can't rmb his name-Marcus or Justin} driving us back and we were first...haha......But overall, we were second team-It was really fun.

We went to bathe ard 2 Am and the water was so nice at that time that I could just stand under the shower for a long long was just so relaxing and nice......

Spent the night talking, lying down on a flat and solid surface, which has totally straightened out my back bone, and lots of RA stuff and censored words-Vulgars coming out of NISA's mouth.....
Even she has become a pekak[deaf], she heard cut it off, cut it off as KNN and Shiny Balding Head as Shining *****....haha, she was hilarious la.......

My leg suffered a lot yesterday and as of now, it swollen again, a lil, and it hurts like hell....seriously wonder whenit's gonna recover cos NAPFA is coming, freaking scary, though I know wud fail...haiz SADDENING!!!

Overall, everything was fun and all, the day ended off with us having fun and enjoying Halloween , though it was not really scary......But overall, GREAT PARTY!!!!

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