Friday, November 28, 2008

Drained Out.....

I am just feeling so freaking tired...No mood to sleep, come online or even watch TV...I just don't know why I am so freaking tired....I don't even feel like studying for the upcoming freaking ICAs.......and the whole week is packed with them esp Calculus........

Haha, I kinda pity the Calculus teacher for the trauma he goes through teaching us-Mr.[I forgot the name-Eugene I think], my heart goes out to you....haha but what to do? This is the only way we can keep ourselves awake if not we wud be bored to sleep or frozen to death.... I don't know wat else to write......One thing is for sure, it's crazy laughter session whenever Rachel is around-[Cals is going to be one unforgetable module] and with Nisa around as well, it is vulgarities galore-Haha....but some is going to be sad now with her beloved going away with his family and leaving her alone, don't worry dear, you would have us for the time being-Don't be sad, k doink? ;)

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