Thursday, August 21, 2008


OK, shall only post a few pictures for the time being.....

This was the cake we got for our kind, hardworking and extremely helpful teacher!!!!

The most craziest and hardworking team............haha....

M y niece and brother during the Rakhi celebration. She is a notorious devil....that's for sure-Overtaking her brother, the flirt.....haha

That's it for the time being.....Extremely tired to type out anything-tired of, sleeping late due to watching korean drama and having to wake up extremely early..........and not getting to sleep again until evening but am still tired............

Anyway, tom a dear friend of ours, Parvin is going to depart for Finland to complete her final semseter as well as have fun adn broaden her network, anyway, what else can I say for this but
-All The Best , Parvin
-Have fun and enjoy yourself
-Study smart and play hard
-Have lots and lots and lots of FUNNNNNN :)
We would definitely be missing you a lot esp. your bestie-haha

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