Monday, May 16, 2011


In a bid to escape doing work, I came across the below post on the web and was really touched by what was written. I think that letters are now totally a thing of the long gone past, and yet, to actually sit and realise the importance and the impact of the letter is so much more touching and heartfelt as per compared to sms or even e-mail.... Though the same words and letters are used for all the trio, the act of having to sit down, take out the paper and write it out is I guess something in a different league.... Funny thing is that this is the second time I am coming across a post on Letters within a day.

The second one was on Mother-Daughter bond which was sweet and touching.

The links for the two posts:


Mother-Daughter Bond

I started writing out this post with some other intention and ended up writing about something else.... I am so easily distracted. I was looking for an image and ended up on the Letters link and I blogged about it..... Goodness me.

This whole addiction to write is overtaking me badly. Every second and minute, all I wanna do is sit and write the story further. The worst thing is that I have totally no idea on how to continue my current story and instead, am coming up with other one shots..... I am just getting my other leg stucked in the Mud to join the first leg.... Dammit, this is the first time an addiction is getting so damn bad... Like seriously, I have no idea on how to get rid of all the thoughts and such that come to me.

I don't know if its because of all that happened and such but I am now liking ANGST stories. Not that I wanna write that in my main story but I am totally becoming a sucker for Angst compared to normal kind of stories..... This coming from someone who can't watch sad movies from start till the end.... Screw it=this just shows how bad a writer I am, for not being able to properly express out the characters emotions....

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