Monday, March 21, 2011


There is this current moment which is just leading me to wonder what I should be doing and its just leaving me feeling helpless. Though the two of us are talking it out and deciding to talk it out, it still remains a fear to do so.... Maybe because of the distant feeling which we are feeling off her......

Nonetheless, though it is still an issue to tackle, it remains scary to do so... After all that I know and see, I understand that matters of the heart are difficult but in her case, she had a chance to move out due to family but still choosing to remain in it, though she is confused, I feel that I cant support her for this and this decision is just screwing up with my feelings=Should I be supporting and encouraging her or should I just oppose and go against her decision, which I am scared of it leading to the distance between us increasing.......

I guess the only thing to do is wait and let time do its job?

Waiting just makes the whole thing a whole lot worse...............

[CR: ]

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