Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friends love

I realise that I really love, treasure and am grateful to the two of them....They both are truly Angels sent in disguises as themselves into my that there are things worth looking forward to for me.....They are both totally tolerant of my nonsense and stupidity

Despite saying to stick together, she understood the me when I was away from her...... I realise that its with you that you and I both are able to do everything to the maximum because we are both the same in the case of the love we have towards the other two ...... I guess you truly are the person with whom I can go beyond boundaries created for you lots Darl!!!

Despite me not knowing what to do and all, she opened out her heart to me.....Thank you love for doing so....Frankly speaking, seeing you like tat made me look at you in admiration because you are a really strong person who is able to go on in situations whereby I feel that others are most likely to runaway in an attempt to avoid, or I might .... Be yourself love because thats why you are loved and thats whom we are used to having around in our life...... I just felt like hugging you the whole time .... If nothing much, I just hope to be there for you love like how you are always for me!!

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