Recently, due to whatever has been happening, I have been thinking and I realised that people actually take me to be a pushover esp over there-a person who wud do wad u tell them to do. Yea I accept the fact that if a family member or a fren asks me to do sumthing, I wud do it only if it is within my means. However, it seems that people, esp over there take me to be some sorta of an idiot given the fact that I dont speak up and such....
Take for example this conversation-
Me: How does A know abt this issue? I tot noone this side noes abt it?M: I dont. Since she knows, sum1 must have told her.The next day, on the phone-
M: P was asking how does A know abt this issue? She: I dont know. Must be P who shud have told her.Ok, like taking this conversation as an example-what wud u interpret from whatever has been said above?!? For me, the whole thing felt so stupid! I mean-Come On! If I had told her, why the F*** wud I be asking?!? Seriously Stupid thing......From this, I know that she is the one who told since only she knew abt it....and to push the blame on me???-Screw this......
I am glad that at least one person, apart from me is seeing the positive side of me taking a break. I was so happy when she said to me -
take this time that you have to groom yourself-take care of your hair and yourself as well.....I was really happy when my dear said that...but the following thing she said instantly made me pass the phone back to my mom....Marriage!!
Ok-I mean wads up with that??!!?? I didnt really realise that once one matures, this becomes an constant topic. Ok-while we are at it...the K fast is coming up-the one whereby the wife fasts the whole day w/o water and food for her husbands longevity....Not that I am against this kinda fasting thing and all but thinking thru it....I realise that all this thing is backdated. I mean its ok to fast and all but why only the wife?? The same for Rakhi-I learnt this year that the sis must fast for her bro till the stated time..Ok-why only the sis??!!?? This is why I say that this thing is backdated. As compared to last time whereby the woman used to stay at home and take care of house thigns only, woman have now stepped out to work and are at the same level as the why do only the female gender need to fast and that oso, the females fast only for the males-son, brother and husband...there is no such thing whereby one fasts for their daughter....BIASNESS!!!!!
Seriously...I don really care that much abt all this things...but if I were to have to do it, I wud make sure that the other party, for whom the fast is, does it with me!!
What is ur opinion abt this????