Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Frankly speaking...I have totally no idea as to why I am feeling this way but after coming back hom yesterday, I have been feeling very exhausted from then on...I even went to sleep early, a first after a very damn long time...I slept for nearly 91/2 hours and yet when I woke up this morning, I felt as if I have no energy at all......

Followed mom for the checkup and thankfully, today was the blissful day whereby they discharged her.....After coming back home, fell flat and when I woke up...was roaming around the house with a lil bit of headache.....Having nothing to do, was made to be the idiot having to go Compass Point to pass the meal and thankfully, it was a cool and refreshing short trip.......

I have seriously no idea as to why am I feeling like this right now...Having no enthusiasm, feeling tired and exhausted=All in all.....I am feeling very lifeless........


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