Sunday, December 21, 2008


Currently, this is how I am feeling and I have totally no idea why...sometimes I am fine and sometimes, I would just feel the distance and drift-I guess coming in afterward is likely to have this kind of effect...sometime I don't even know wads going on or wads being talked about and I would totally feel like an outsider and I totally hate this feeling...but this is how it is and whether I like it or not, I have to put up with it because as far as I know, I don't think anything is going to change, though there is a closeness with them, it's not the same as I see the two of them.....There is also an increase in impatience in me as well as irritant, I am getting impatient and angry freaking fast..the smallest question or answer makes me angry and then, I wud feel bad but for some reason-I feel that there is a distance between me and her which as much as I want to, I can't get rid of it and with the occassion that is about to come, I think wud definitely make it worse......well, we shall see...Seriously irritated-she can answer like that then why not practice what u speak-AARRGGHH>>>My life SUCKS!!!

At times like this, I wished there was someone beside me with whom I could share my glooms to, who would listen and just say a few comforting words and it would feel like all is well [I seem to be going out of my mind to wish this kind of things but what the heart desires and what the mind knows are two totally different things]....Hiaz...LIFE

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