Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mita's 21st

Ok, tis is quite overdue but since I was waiting for the pictures, here is the post....

Can't believe that the event which Vandana and I were going crazy and all and whereby curses and even vulgarities were flying is already over...

On 23rd Jan, we celebrated our dearest Pagal MITA's 21st birthday at East Coast Park.....It was quite cool and everything but cant believe that it is over so fast....... We din even get to whack so much and there we were talking and all....haiz....

Love this pic of the balloon.....

Things weren't really as smooth flowing and easy gg as Vandana and I had tot....the trees whereby we had wanted to tie the strings to, were surrounded by colonies of ant ...we were like mad screaming, jumping as well as cursing as we hanged the banner up.....

The Birthday Girl......Tis is a really nice pic of her....

Her family:-Sis, BIL, Bro n Sis...

The Cuzzies Gang...

Cute Lil Sanjana...

Adorable Darling Ria along wif Sandhya....

This part was rather comical....when the bottle was brought to her, she was so excitedly gonna open it straightaway but had to put it on hold to cut the cake...... Later, when she was gonna open it, every1 was backing away imagining the worst case scenario I suppose but when she did pop the cork open, it flew to God knows where and there was no fizz or anything....

Love this Pic!!!!!

Me wif my Mynah who is totallly bones...... Seriously.....Love the background...

This is the Mynahs attempt to break herself apart .... she did actually lift me up !!! I totally love how tis pic turned out.....

Me wif my Sexyyyyyy ...... It looks as if the behind is on fire.......LOVE IT!!!

The 3 Craazyyyyy Ppplllll....

Can't believe that its all over....meeting up wif sexyyy, going shoppping, planning to do something yet ending up doing something else....Seriously, this was a great idea and I am so happy that Sexyy and me pulled the whole thing of for that Pagal and she enjoyed it.....

Haiz, it's over....What Next?!?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friends love

I realise that I really love, treasure and am grateful to the two of them....They both are truly Angels sent in disguises as themselves into my that there are things worth looking forward to for me.....They are both totally tolerant of my nonsense and stupidity

Despite saying to stick together, she understood the me when I was away from her...... I realise that its with you that you and I both are able to do everything to the maximum because we are both the same in the case of the love we have towards the other two ...... I guess you truly are the person with whom I can go beyond boundaries created for you lots Darl!!!

Despite me not knowing what to do and all, she opened out her heart to me.....Thank you love for doing so....Frankly speaking, seeing you like tat made me look at you in admiration because you are a really strong person who is able to go on in situations whereby I feel that others are most likely to runaway in an attempt to avoid, or I might .... Be yourself love because thats why you are loved and thats whom we are used to having around in our life...... I just felt like hugging you the whole time .... If nothing much, I just hope to be there for you love like how you are always for me!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Movie Trailer

Haha this is so damn cute! Seriously this trailer is really whacky esp the end:-

Monday, January 18, 2010

Growing Up!

There is a very very weird feeling in me right now...I don't really know what the feeling is but one thing is for sure, it's very DEPRESSING!!!

I find myself growing old....which seriously we are all... but being at home these few months has made me realise the whole process and I feel like there are so many things I wanna just take, twist and Change It!!

Yea there is a kind of bonding but there is also friction being felt so there are both the emotions of happiness and irritateness.......We both are similar in a lot of ways and yet, there are also vast differences such as:-We both are interested in trying new things but whereas I am the type to go online and find the recipe, She recalls the taste and does try-an-error...and it was actually delicious.....
The thing that we are back to back against each other for=HOUSEWORK!!! During this time, I have suprisingly come to LOVE doing Housework but the conflicting thing between both of us is abt getting the guys to do it. Whereas I want them to do a lil bit, at least nothing for the hse but atleast for themselves e.g making their own Milo. Though She oso expects them to be doing a bit but for that, she has to FORCE them, NAG at them and not make Milo from him before he even says it-I know I am being very whiny here but seeing their attitude towards her, they so do not deserve wad she does and all........

To add oil to the fire, going out of the house seems to spoil my mood even more!!
That day, on the way back home in the MRT, I had placed some plastics on the ground. Then when we were a station away, this lady[whose kid had been crying the whole way] gets up and takes the stroller with hr whining kid and heads towards the door. She had to pass by me, and when I realised that, I picked up the plastic bags. Just as I was doing so, she becomes so Impatient that she banged the stroller [the front wheels came up and down] and just tries to make her way through while running over my things!! - Fu*k=I know that you are irritated with your kid but why the hell are you showing your anger to others?? Even others are damn irritated with your whiny kid-She was crying the whole way and that woman couldn't even SHUT her Up!!

Then, another day, I went to Montip to get ear sticks...When I headed to the counter to make payment, the cashier started counting her cash...not wanting to interrupt [having to recount has an irritating sensation] I patiently waited. The damn woman, counted TWICE. I still waited patiently and then, she started counting again! Irritated, I juz said-EXCUSE ME, and I got ignored. Pissed, I literally screamed Excuse Me at her before I got her attention-WTF!!! This is SERVICE?!?

{While being on the topic of shopping, there are hardly people using their own bags even on Wednesdays, despite it being BYOB .... On the other hand, I went shopping with Mom to Tekka and I see an Eurasian lady, going around with four of her own bags, two being filled to the brim wif veg, one being passed to the vendor to put in her purchases and the final was flat and dangling from her shoulders....Comparing her to ourself, there is so much difference! I can't even force my mum to bring the bag whenever she goes shopping, instead I get teases from her and even the two bros whenever I bring it on my own....With tis kinda attitude-How can I even complain abt other not bringing I am unable to FORCE my own family with this habit!!!}

Seriously, everything is so damn irritating!!! The best feeling is only felt when I get off work on Sat and walk through the field filled with groups of family and friends flying kites.....For some reason, seeing the kites in the sky and seeing the group of people, there is a feeling of calmness and happiness along wif a pang of jealousy[well, shall not even bother to go on about it cos I would only be writing lots and lots more vulgarities!]

Seriously, it gets tiring at some point.......
Sometimes, the loneliness gets to the point whereby one starts questioning their reason of existence.
At other times, though being alone, seeing a kid smile at you, makes one willing to go witness the day whereby that happiness is blessed upon them oso!
And yet, at the same time, witnessing death scenes in TV or however, really hits one hard.....

Life is full of certainties, happiness, sadness and lots of other feelings....Everyone goes through different phases of Life and experiences different kind of happiness and challenges awaiting them in life.....In the End, whatever is ahead of us is unknown to one and all therefore, the only thing that we can do is to continue walking into the unknown future and take on all the challenges, problems and all boulders to get to the finishing point of our lives.....

It's a different future that we had envisioned....but, it's Life's surprises that keep it interesting.
Learning how to make the most of the unexpected events make us STRONGER-Tsuda Masami

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The P got replaced by S ....

In the end, this is how life works. When there is a need for you, you become a thing that is tapped on at their disposal and when things turn over, you are cast to the side....left to dust/wither away....... Though it is a thing that should be accepted, why am I being reluctant/refusing to accept it??

I guess the whole concept has not sunk in yet..Nonetheless, you want things to be this way-then, I shall just wish you well. Period.

I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though
Goin' on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay
But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you walk away

And never knowin'
What could've been
And not seein' that lovin' you
Is what I was tryin' to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' it
-What Hurts The Most, Rasca
l Flatts

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weird Steps Being Taken.....

The only thing feels like a game being played around with all of us being the game pieces.......Each and every one is playing and coming up with tricks such tat others suffer downfalls....Wad a World.....Seriously speaking, there is no point in doing good nowadays cos even if you do it, situations are reversed in such a way tat you are the evil one ...... Screw this whole thing!
-Why must it be such that a p
lace I think of as my second home becomes a place where she refers to me as GUEST?!?
-Why must it be such that despite wanting to he
lp her, I become the one who runs here and there at her every beck and call??
-Why is it tat despite this being his materna
l home, she cant bring my nephew here???

SCREW this who
le thing and all....having craved so much of wanting to shower love and affection, the whole feeling disappears while anger and hatred creeps in bringing along with it indifference......

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tired sucks to be falling sick...seriously-there is this stupid itchy sensation at the throats and all....Freak it all.....

Time is seriously moving very very fast right now...and it is really scary......

The position I am in right now is so EEWWWW...... Though in one way its fun and relaxing, there is tension over paisa.....Haiz-Money really makes the world go round...

I am in love with the job at the centre...the type of teaching used is so damn cool and interactive and the best part is that time always rushes by so fast...Seriously, it is interesting and the kids are so cute....

But nonetheless, I am still in love wif my adorable nephew...I so feel like running away with him every time I visit him...Haha...

I so wanna drive....I AM GONNA RENT and DRIVE-I dun care... haha, well-got person from one, now left wif the other....Fingers crossed.....

Videos Once Again

Ok, watched a few movies and I have to say, unexpectedly, PAA is a very sweet and touching movie....It just damn nice yaa and the acting is very cute and would definitely bring a smile

I wanna watch this looks so comical and cute:-

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Being Forced....

Currently, seeing all the situations and how everything is going and all, all that I can say is that it is F**KING painful...So painful that upon thinking about it, the tears refuse to stop.....Why must this happen all over again??

Even then, the happiness I was feeling was totally drowned and just when I tot I can recover and achieve that happiness again, once more-it is being snatched away from me, forcing me to succumb and let go no matter how tightly I attempt to have a grip on it....It hurts, it hurts very badly.....this is one thing for which I really cant forgive-for depriving me of this happiness-SCREW U!

Once more, I find myself looking out and searching for the happiness which I feel tat I am not blessed to have at all.....It hurts nonetheless to see the happiness on others faces and to see my plans juz fading away........

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Its just the start of the year but for some damn reason, I am feeling damn exhausted.... Be it complaining or talking abt my interest, it feels like I am talking to the air....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!


May the new year bring wif it lots of happiness, love and success for one and all :)